89th AGM

The 89th Annual General Meeting of the Federation took place on Monday 21st February at Fishmongers Hall in London, and also on zoom. Rex Goldsmith was voted in as President for the ensuing year, with Sue Mackenzie as Vice President.
Outgoing President, Giles Shaw, thanked the Council Officers and Council for their help and support over the last three years.
Giles Shaw was elected as Honorary Treasurer and Andrew Kenny as Company Secretary. All Council members agreed to stand for a further year.
After the formalities of the meeting were concluded, the President opened the floor for a wider discussion relating to the seafood sector and member concerns. A wide variety of topics came up for discussion which included the cost of electricity, new shellfish legislation, market value of seafood and potential Federation activities to mention a few.
Any member who is interested in joining the Council and contributing to the future success of the Federation, please make contact at info@fishmongersfederation.co.uk